I'm in love with Vanessa's hat so much! Honestly i don't use hat very often just for occasional only. But I'm really really want to find this Beach Hat for my next traveling.
and this is me borrowing my friend's hat. not exactly same as vanessa's hat:(

cutted stripped top-bought from ITC, skinny jeans-levi's

I have been looking for this hat but haven't found the one like that (vanessa's).
Anyone know where to buy it in jakarta?
Hi Dear(s)
I just found out that you're Liza's little sisters! wow! I never knew she had such fashionable sisters ^^
Loove your outfits!
visit our olstore if you have a chance ya? :D
love your stripped tee!
that hat is indeed looks stunning! wanna help but idk where to buy such hats :(
p.s.: wanna trade links? :)
Castor Pollux
very cute stripes.. I love it!
i also don't know where to buy it, maybe you can try pasar baru or mangdu maybe..
love your stripes top!
yes, Pasar Baru, MangDu, or Pasar Senen are the best place to find some rarely stuff. maybe you can find the hat there. :)
have a nice day! ^_^
i came across one of those hats in Bandung. idk where to get them in Jakarta, sorry :(
thank you for ur comment in my blog.
I love stripe, and u look pretty with that stripe top :)
nice hat too.
Check my new post and leave ur comment again.
oh the hat is perfect for summer!
I found hat like this in Bali, but Mangdu is highly recommended to find it, Or maybe Pasar Senen? :D
i found one at aldo. but its pretty expensive..my opinion if you want the cheap one you can buy it in bali..definitly cheaper
btw visit and follow my blog :)
@DressforLess: aw thanks so much :D already visit ur awsome olshop:)
@castor pollux: ok never mind dear:) i already linked u check on our blogroll.
@inge luciana @wulan @Lia @ jennifer: ok thanks for the info. I'll check it soon
@wynne prasetyo: Thanks alot for the info dear! oh bandung? what place exactly?
loving your friend's hat and your strippy tops. :)
i dunno where to buy if in jakarta.
but in bali, maybe you can found it.
thanks for your lovely comment.
Gorgeous post! Love it.
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